From the blog

Refreshed Website & Logo
Launched last week a refreshed website for one of Greenville SC’s top Workers’ Compensation Lawyers. WordPress is the content manager behind the website and the team at Thomas Gagné Law Office is very happy with it. Read more

Bye Bye DMOZ
So Long, DMOZ, and Thanks for All the Fish; As of Mar 14, 2017 will no longer be available. Read more

Article: Cancer Survivors in non ACA States
Great article by one of Greenville Web’s WordPress clients, University of Colorado Cancer Center, on the lack of access to potently life saving follow-up care for cancer survivors in non ACA States, this includes our state of South Carolina. Even before ACA, cancer survivors in non-expansion states had less healthcare access Read more

Photo: Greenville County Museum of art
Took a ride into town on Thursday and ended up at the County library. In the last 8 years, I may have only visited it twice. I renewed my card and paid a small fine. I also made a promise to myself to visit at least once a month it… Read more